A Practical Guide to Human Rights in Islam

Haqooq ul Ibad


 Chapter 27

 Severance of relation

(qta –e- tauluq)

We were discussing that at the marriage the wrong customs create problems for the rest of the married life and at times this creates bad results and name to the family.   

Another very bad custom has become rooted in our culture and it is that after marriage the in-laws of the bride try to suppress her in any which way and that sometimes increases with time.  First of all at the time of marriage there are all kinds of demands from the bridegroom’s side otherwise they threaten to go back without marriage and that brings bad name and shame to bride.  The bridegroom’s party at that time loses all the fear of ALLAH and forgets that they too have daughters to wed and they become ready to go back even for a small mater. 

Even when the marriage is consumed, they keep on adding to their demands or keep blaming the bride for not bringing a good dowry etc. or she gets stopped from going to her parent’s home to even visit.  She gets blamed for somebody of her family mistreating them so they don’t want you to have any thing to do with your original family.  If we had followed the guidance of Allah and His prophet (pbuh), these things would not have happened at all.  We forget here that Allah says, “The one who does not protect his Muslim brother's property and honor is not a Muslim” Further to this the prophet (pbuh) said that whosoever breaks relations will not enter paradise.  According to this prophets (pubh) word is ALLAH’s command as He says that “What he (prophet pbuh) says is my command and in certain cases He (Allah) also says that “he (prophet pbuh) acts as I (Allah) would".  This distinction was given to Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) only.  The word relations is not specific, rather it is a general term used for any relation by blood or in humanity.  To go in paradise one has to be pious and piety comes by being obedient to Allah and His prophet (pbuh). In this hadith used Arabic word "qatay" will not enter paradise. So word qatay is comprehensive be cause this is word of ALLAH through prophet (pbuh) according to this we cannot break relations at will.  I have seen many a practicing Muslims disobeying this and breaking relations for small things.  This sin will not be forgiven by Allah and what if that person with whom you broke a relation dies or you die without  mending it then there will be no way to resolve the matter. 

So the solution to this is that you should mend your relations with the angry person in your first opportunity and refrain from such occurrences so that you could be admissible to paradise.  If the other person does not want to burry the hatchet then recite this saying of the prophet (pbuh) to him and ask the person to forgive you.  If the person is God fearing, then he will forgive you and will rebuild the relation.  Here the event of Battle of Jamel can be your guidance in which Aisha (RA), Talha(RA) and Zubair (RA) were facing Ali. (RA) When Zubair came to fight Ali (RA), he told Zubair (RA)if he remembered prophet (pubh) saying that a day will come when you will come face to face in fight and Ali (RA) will be on the right.  When Zubair(RA) heard this he embraced Ali (RA) and the battle was stopped.  Such are the things that our faith requires is the identity of a pious man that he obeys Allah and His prophet (pbuh).  Even if the other person does not agree with you, you will get double reward on your efforts you made and enter in   paradise here after  Insha Allah.

Send questions or comments to M. Rafiq & S. Pervaiz