A Practical Guide to Human Rights in Islam

Haqooq ul Ibad


 Chapter 12

 Five pillars of Islam

In the previous chapter we were saying that we have swayed from our true path and have adopted the ways of non believers.   For example we have no concept of discrimination in Islam, yet we have adopted this.  Our prophet (PUBH) was benevolent for whole of humanity, he was a blessing for the whole universe, but are we following him?   Praising not only him but his companions also, Qur’an says that “Mohammad (PUBH) the messenger of Allah and his companions are compassionate with each other”.  On the contrary we are at each other’s throats for trifling( fro’aat.)  Every one boasts that he is the only one on the right path, and instead of improving himself, is bent upon correcting the others.  Each one of them quotes this saying of the prophet (PUBH) that “there will be 73 sects of Islam near the Day of Judgment and of these only one will be on the right path” and then professes that his sect is the only one on the right path.   They forget that in another hadith the prophet (PBUH) says that whosoever is on the right path and follows my path will be saved and further explained that the path of myself and my( true) companions. Don’t forget that in his era lot of munafiqeen and opportunist were there, Allah revealed the names but Prophet (PBUH) did not disclose these. 

Let us reflect on this and we will find the answer as to who is right.  How many of us are following his path?   How his companions followed him is exemplified in the following story.   Once someone offered a watermelon to the Muad-bin-Jabal (RA) who was then the governor of Yemen.  He took it and then put it aside.   The person asked him that has he not accepted his gift, because when the prophet (PUBH) accepted a gift like this, he would right away eat a portion and present the rest to the company at that time and this tradition was followed by his reverend companions too. Muad (RA) replied that he did not know how his master (PUBH) ate it, so he would first ask one of his companions about this and then he will eat it.  Such are the examples of following the right path and whosoever follows the path of the prophet (PUBH) the Qura’n says, “he is saved”.   Each of the sects and persons can use this as an acid test to find the truth.  In actuality the true way is the way that the prophet (PUBH) took, and those true follower they follow the prophet's (pubh) footsteps, step by step. Life of the prophet (PUBH) is true embodiment of qura’n, as Aisha (RA) stated, “The prophet’s khulq was   Qur’an”.  Here I am not referring to any of the present sects, you check yourself on this test.  

In today’s perspective let us see how much we are following the practices of the prophet (PUBH). Now take sunnah of prophet (PUBH) Khidmat-e -khalq (social work) and compare record.  ALLAH forbid, did the prophet hate the humans?  If the answer is in negative, then what are we doing?  We have lost a lot by not following the ways of the prophet (PUBH).  If we adapt his (pubh) following, only then we can recover from it.  The hatreds that we have adopted have made us an embodiment of hate.  Where have those people gone for whom the Qura’n says, “They are kind to each other”. Instead, the only thing left in us is that not only do we hate each other, but others also.   Your kin are bound to stay with you in spite of it; however the others will not tolerate it.   As a result, the self-serving western media is showing the image we are creating on them and it has become worse after the September 11, 2001 event.  First of all the media called Usama bin Laden and Afghan people Mujahids.   The same people were their allies when Communism was challenging Capitalist west.  Now that the tables are turned, Islam has become their number one enemy because it challenges Capitalism.  I have been reiterating this for a long time; however we have not prepared ourselves for this.  In Europe and in United States of America we live like untouchables.  We do not try to become the part of the mainstream, resulting in being not trusted and we have been encouraging this mistrust ourselves.  We have been given so many names that these are becoming uncountable.  For example we are being called Fundamentalists, Terrorists etc.  Have we ever tried to explain to them what we stand for?  Let us take the term of Fundamentalist, which was actually coined by a Christian sect by them in USA in twentieth century, then it got tagged on us.  Islamic requirement is that a Muslim believes in the five basic pillars of Islam, which are;

  1. Iman (belief on Allah, His all prophets, Angels and all the sahaifs( words of ALLAH), 
  2. Prayers
  3. Zakat (alms giving)
  4. Fasting
  5. Haj


These are the fundamental pillars of Islam and a person who believes in these is called a Muslim. If he does not accept any one of these, then he is not a true believer in Islam.   A Muslim who believes in these fundamental pillars of Islam is a Fundamentalist.  He has no other choice then to be Fundamentalist by this definition or not be called a Muslim.  A Muslim is only a Muslim and we do not have a concept of a Modern Muslim or a Fundamentalist. 

Secondly we are blamed that in Islam there is no Democracy.  Let us look at what Democracy is.  Presently a government elected by people is called a democracy.  The British is Parliamentary system in which parts of constitution are written and part is not written and is based on tradition.   France has its own kind of Presidential System.  USA has its own kind of Presidential System, which is different from both Britain and France.  If they call all this a democracy, then what is so different about Islamic Democracy that it is presented with hurdles every where, be it Algiers, Turkey, Iran, Pakistan or any other Muslim country.  They have become so much anti Islam that instead of catering to the wishes of the people they would like you to accept the Autocrats, Dictators or Kings as heads of the states.

In spite of this they want to be called the champions of democracy.   Islam is the religion, which not only gave the concept of democracy but also practiced it.   Islam gave the concept of welfare government.  Islam started the monetary benefits for children, seniors and widows.   What would we consider better, the exemplary system of justice or the one which widens the gap between the poor and the rich?  

Since Islam prevents the accumulation of wealth in a few hands, this quality of Islam is considered as its weakness by the materialistic system and is not tolerated.   As for as the women’s rights are concerned, Islam gave these to them first of all.   Only a hundred years ago the women in so called civilized countries were considered as personal property of the men and their ownership was decided by duals.   Two men would fight to death and the winner will take the woman.  Fifty years ago they did not even have right to vote.  Would the proponents of women’s rights or the ones who want to keep women behind curtains like to through some light on this.  In the times of the prophet (PUBH) women's  position was such that they did nursing of the wounded in the wars, brought water to them.  Khola-bint-darar (RA) took the command of a military battalion during the war of Khundaq to protect Medina.  Even today women work in the fields without any veil.  If we keep women from education, how can our children be brought up properly?  Does the tradition of responsibility to educate not apply to a woman?  Do find an answer to these questions, otherwise each custom will become part of Islam, and already this is the case in lots of instances.  This would be helping the enemies of Islam to defame it.  For God’s sake come back to path prescribed by the prophet (PBUH), do your research, consult each other and find solutions to the problems at hand. 

Apart from this I would like to mention to the so called care takers of the world that if you make it impossible the change of the governments by the legal means then what will happen.  You have seen what happened to the Kings of France and Tsars of Russia.  In the same ways you have made numerous enemies of yourself, so do not put the whole blame on the Muslims.  You have to make peace with the rest of the world so that you and the rest of the world can live in peace.  If you close the doors, the people would start breaking the windows to come out.  Even the docile animals start biting when cornered.  Why are you making people to bite you?  You have to start becoming just.  To solve the entire problems, do unto others what you like to be done to you and then you will see how the world loves you.  For now, you know how the world labels you.  Even your good deeds go to waste, even though you spend your resources on these.  Now let us consider the aspect of terrorism and Islam.  Quran prohibits terrorism and suicide, thus a terrorist cannot be considered a Muslim. Suicide is such a crime in Islam that even the funeral prayers are not allowed for such death.  Whoever was involved in the September 11th terrorist attack was condemned by all the Muslim community in world.  The Media projected image of Palestinians distributing sweets in joy, however the observers noted that the same footage of the film was shown when Saddam Hussain invaded Kuwait.   Further more how can a Muslim soldier (Mujahid) be considered a pious Muslim while he became drunkard in a bar on the night before the attack.  Also imagine the government which is into every bedroom, showing such an ineptness that plane after plane was crashing in to buildings and it could not do any thing.  The nation should ask their president about being not in a position to do any thing for an hour during this.  In this day and age even minutes count.  What guaranty do they have that such things would not happen in future?  Conclusion seems to be that this was a planned ploy.  May Allah protect the Islamic world, since it is being aimed from different directions. Aamin. 

Now let us talk a bit about Jihad, which is considered a thorn on the side of Western world.  First of all Jihad is not included in the five fundamental pillars of Islam and it is also not about mere fighting.  In Jihad it is not allowed to kill the innocents.  This fight is allowed with opponents only in defense.  The first fight that prophet (PUBH) fought was Battle of Badr.  Although the prophet (PUBH) had left Mecca, in spite of this the infidels did not want to leave him alone.  They invested in a trade caravan to finance invasion of Medina.  The prophet (PUBH) wanted to stop this caravan, however the infidels of Mecca who were already bent on picking a fight, started their military venture.  In this way this first defensive war was fought.  Jihad is not a mandatory duty.  For example prophet ( PBuh) stopped a companion of his from going to Jihad, who was looking after his mother.  Similarly at the time of Battle of Tabook one was also stopped from jihad who did not have a horse to ride on while fighting.  After Mecca was conquered, the prophet (PUBH) told the people for going on from smaller Jihad to a bigger Jihad.  In Arabic every effort is called Jihad.  By bigger jihad he meant rejuvenation of our conscious, which is at the root of Islam.  In Islam the Jihad is the name of constant struggle, not necessarily the name of war .it is lack of understanding.  Those who are blaming Islam need to do some research  on Islam. However if someone forces Muslims to defend themselves, their lives, property and religious sanctity, then Jihad  is also the name of going to war.  When we talk of supporting a convict, then Islam does not allow it.  However a suspect is a suspect  only until the crime is proved to be done by him or her.  After the crime is proven, a friend of the perpetrator is also a perpetrator.  In the case of the September 11 incident, all the proofs were gone with the culprits.



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