A Practical Guide to Human Rights in Islam

Haqooq ul Ibad


 Chapter 42

Muslim as a nation


We were saying that with acceptance of Islam, we became one indivisible nation and had a commanding dignity.  Mothers used to give examples of our heroes to their children.  Now the condition is such that the whole world is after Muslims, not only that, we ourselves are chasing each other too.  We are busy in pulling each other’s legs, at times for our own benefits and at time by becoming agents of our enemies.  It is the prophecy given in Quran that when we stop following the Quran we will become like the people before us.  Some scholars of today call this the prophesied disaster for the nation of Islam.   

These days we cannot influence anybody to become a Muslim, as we ourselves have become bad examples.  Even if somebody does accept Islam due to its own reality, the sects we have divided ourselves into will confuse the covert.   

One Sunday I was conducting a discussion group in Richmond mosque when a newly converted Caucasian Muslim came to mosque and after salutations joined the discussion group.  After the discussion I asked him that how was he doing?  He told me that he is very confused because whichever mosque he goes to, he hears bad things about other mosques.  He said that he does not know who is right and who is wrong, and that which mosque he should go to as each one of them quotes Quran in their favor.  He showed me the pamphlet of one group who was arguing about the right direction to Kabba, and called every one else non-Muslim.  I explained to him what it was and how the enemies of Islam were spreading these rumors to stop Islam from spreading.  However he was a new Muslim and he had still a lot to learn about Islam, and knew enough verses of Quran to be able to offer his prayers.  Lots of so called Muslims among us also fall in the same group of ignorant, who cannot even read Quran and just follow the myths.   

In the early decades of the last century, there was a Hindu named Nwal Kishore who had a printing press and used to publish baseless stories about Islam.  I was discussing something with a priest in Pakistan and he quoted me from these wrong stories in support of his argument.  When I asked him about the source of this book which was he quoting in proof his argument and he did not know that, but he said I have faith in that book.  While the book of Allah we should have faith in is hardly ever read by us and usually sits on mantelpieces wrapped in cloth cover, while we trust the mythical storybooks.  Result is the un-informed nation.  Our salvation is only in the fact that we should go to the real source, which is Quran, and get our children and ourselves educated.  We should however take care that we do not become lopsided in our education of faith and other subjects.  Our education should be balanced.  If the facts are not learned from the early age, the fiction will fill its place.  So we should have worldly as well as religious education in proper balance right from the early age.  Allah does not favor nations or individuals, and if one becomes useless then He will bring the other one ahead. We can take the argument that somebody else will save us.  It is only our own deeds and efforts that can save us and not our forefathers'.  We have seen in the history that when Abbasids turned bad, Allah brought the wrath of Gengis Khan and Hulago Khan on them. They destroyed not only Abbsi khlafat but Hasan bin Sabbah's kingdom too which was the centre of violence for years. Then they accepted Islam and established Khilafat-e-Usmania.   When a nation or people become bad, Allah brings some others to straighten them out and this cycle goes on.  We have numerous examples of this in history.  Allah says that whosoever remains faithful to Him will be saved, and not the ones who go astray.  We will not be on the right path as long as we keep on believing in the myths and fiction.  We are becoming a nation, which does not follow the teachings of the prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and are always looking for short cuts and in practical field we are extremists while we need to be balanced nation, we need to know religion and modern science side by side.  some of Ahle kitab faced the wrath of ALLAH due to starting to worship an idol when there prophet (pbuh) was gone for a while, we can face the same consequences if we go astray.  If the people of other books started usurping other's property by amending it, we are doing the same thing with out making any such amendments.  We have become usurpers of our own   relatives and others.  We use all kinds of influence, bribery and force to get our unfair way.  If we do all this, then how can we expect mercy from Allah?  However if we repent and adopt His ways then, He might forgive us like He did Hazrat yunis (pbuh) because He is Benevolent and Merciful. 

Send questions or comments to M. Rafiq & S. Pervaiz