A Practical Guide to Human Rights in Islam

Haqooq ul Ibad


 Chapter 36

 New era and elders combined efforts


Subject of our discussion in the last chapter was the community halls adjacent to mosques and the presence there of the enlightened elders. 

We also suggested that every one should play their roles properly in this regard so that we as a collective community could solve our problems regarding faith, culture and ethics.  While asking the elders for guidance, the elders also should be assured of their dignity and that they are needed for this role.  This way the elders will become more virtuous to Allah because they will be working for Him and not for their own sake.  The elders should know that all the prophets (pbut)had to suffer in their work, as work for Allah is demanding and is not a bed of roses.  Even before the creation of Pakistan the Muslim community, in spite of being a minority, held on to it’s honor and kept their traditions of decency.  The flag bearers of this were the elder men and women who faced difficulties but kept their Islamic traditions. They had never allowed dance in their homes.  The majority could never disrupt the Islamic sanctity of mosques by loud noises outside.  Finally this tradition was handed over to Muslim majority of Pakistan.  Unfortunately this tradition was not upheld and people in Pakistan and people there are doing all sorts of un-Islamic things in the name of Pakistani culture.  The elders either kept quite or quietly watched what was happening as the evils gradually took hold of the society to such an extant that no revolt could easily change it.  Why did the elders not play their needed role?  One of the reasons could be that the families got dispersed due to migration.  Secondly the danger from a non-Muslim majority was gone so no fortification was needed.  Thirdly the media became so strong that such a fortification of thoughts was not possible because of things like satellite dishes had an access to not only the homes but bedrooms too. 

So we all, including the elders, gave a blind eye to what was happening and did not do anything to prevent that.  We had the censorship on paper but actually took no steps to enforce it.  The result was that our neighbor, though speaking the same language but not sharing the same values, exported its cultural poison to us for which we had no antidote.  Sins and nudity always has more attraction and the Satan took advantage of this.  The bad habits are not easy to give up, just like it was difficult for our prophet (pbuh) to tell people of Mecca that what their forefathers were doing was wrong.  In spite of him (pbuh) being known as truthful before even his declaration of prophethood, it took him twenty three years to convince them.  The residents of Mecca did not deny his good qualities, however their culture was binding them.  Even with not agreeing to him (pbuh) for his (pbuh) teachings, they still kept with him (pbuh) their precious things for safekeeping.  He had such a strong character that even at the risk of his (pbuh) companion like Ali’s (RA) life; he (pbuh) managed to return their precious things to them.  Their false pride and conservatism did not let them see the light.  Their material preferences were not letting them accept the ways of Islam.  We are facing a similar situation.  First of all we need to change our character and need to follow the strong character that the prophet (pbuh) showed in his life in Mecca.  Allah asked the Muslims to “get their patience and steadfastness from prayers”.    

The lesson here is to keep high character with patience and steadfastness.  Even in the presence of learned leaders, a sudden change in behavior is not possible.  However with patience we can change ourselves gradually.  Sudden change is usually not persistent, however with patience we gradually bring this about.  I would like to give an example from Islamic history, which may give you an inkling of what I am talking about.  This example is of Imam Ghazali (ra).  He was a very arrogant Chief Justice, who liked to debate all the time.  However with Allah’s guidance one day he left every thing and took resort in the wilderness of jungle.  When he finally came back and gave his enlightened views to people, they turned against him.  His own pupil ordered to throw the 400 books that he had written into a river.  His crime was that he had now been enlightened, but the teachers of the time did not have his frame of mind.  We have resemblance between those times and present, in a way that Muslims these days without proper learning are giving their Fatwas (religious judgments) of Kufr on trifling matters.  Muslims are at each other’s throats in the name of Islam.  What our elders have lost in last fifty years will take time to be reinstalled.  Abruptness in this matter could make things worse.  Elders can not take their hands off the matters of their children by just saying that they have done their duty to raise them and that they are not responsible anymore.  Although we cannot live somebody’s life for him or her, however we can always show them the right path.  Prophet (pbuh) told his companions that, “Once Allah sent his angels to destroy a community because of disobedience, however their one isolated prayer was going on and on with his prayers.  The angels got perplexed over this situation and asked Allah for guidance.  Allah’s order was to start with him because he spent his time only on his own praying and did not do anything for the community”.   

We cannot escape from our communal responsibilities and communal punishments.  If we keep on performing our communal responsibilities, it may be possible that Allah may save us from punishment. 

Send questions or comments to M. Rafiq & S. Pervaiz