A Practical Guide to Human Rights in Islam

Haqooq ul Ibad


 Chapter 35

 Community halls


We were talking about bringing the past (our elders), present (our present generation) and future (our children and youth) together in the suggested multipurpose halls adjacent to our mosques.  We planned about children to provide babysitters and toys for them. For the youth there will be educational discussions for learning. However we did not say anything about elder’s use in the community.  If we do not utilize their past experience, then we may not be successful.  We need to lay a firm foundation on such an experience, as there can be no building without a foundation. 

If we just keep assuring ourselves that our forefathers were so great, and we do not actually follow their footsteps, then we will be left behind in our progress.  Other nations have used the knowledge of our forefathers in many fields and have gone way ahead of us in their progress, while we have been caught napping like the hare in the “hare and tortoise” story.  Time waits for none. Allah says, “Humans get only what they struggle for”.  We left the struggle and became sluggish in the name of contentment.  This was our negligence and incapability, and we will have to change this to become progressive.  The elders of our society are an asset.  Their experience combined with vigor of the young blood can work wonders.  However the elders and the new generation will also have to change their attitude to bring this about.  Just imagine how much knowledge and experience would get wasted if the elders did not pass this on to the new generations.  Like your wealth, there should be a sharing of knowledge with the community as we will be answerable for this on the Day of Judgment for any stinginess in this regard.  It will be asked that in spite of having knowledge for the betterment of the humanity why did we not use it in that way and died without doing that.  I know a person who is a top scientist of time but he would not share his scientific secrets even with his children.  He would have been very famous today if he had done that.  He has secret information about his very effective inventions.  However he is getting on with age and his secrets will perish with him.  There may have been many others like him and probably are.  He thinks that he has not perfected his formulas yet, however if he tells others about it they may, by further research, do this after him.  Knowledge builds gradually and perfection lies with Allah only.  Advancement is a gradual process.  Just imagine, if Stephen had not made his first railway engine, which was not perfect, how could we have the beautiful trains of today?  It is the same case with rockets and other inventions. 

I mean to say by all this discussion is that our elders have to accept their shortcomings and help the youngsters realistically with whatever they have achieved.  The young generation should also give them due respect and assurance that they would not be neglected after they have told them their secrets of success as Quran says that, “kindness (Ahsan) should be returned by kindness (Ahsan )”.  It is the responsibility and piousness of the youth that if they benefit from somebody then they should be thankful to the person and respect the person.   

Our elders are very proud of their accomplishments, and they may have been excellent in their own times, however standards of accomplishment change with time.  What was considered as highest achievement on olden day may not be considered so at the present time of computers and other technologies.  Elders should give advice keeping in mind the capabilities of youth and should know if someone can act on it or not. Many a time the youth, out of respect, listen to the advice and knowing that it is not practical just do not act on it.  This infuriates the elders and he stops giving any further advice.  This is not right because it may block the future development of the children and they may do things on their own which may lead to disaster.   

If the elders modify their attitude according to need of the time, the new generation will respect and love them.  The life in the multipurpose hall will give the elders a new vigor and they will feel a purpose for their living, which may improve their own health too.  A life without a purpose is an agony.  So if the elder men and women take up the multipurpose halls responsibilities as volunteers, their own time will be used in a pleasant way.  However first of all they will have to broaden their minds, and be understanding so that they can contribute positively to their community.  Responsibility for the children and community is a life long one, and we cannot shirk from it as we ourselves will be affected by it.  So we have to cultivate mutual confidence, respect, kindness and love for all.

Send questions or comments to M. Rafiq & S. Pervaiz