A Practical Guide to Human Rights in Islam

Haqooq ul Ibad


 Chapter 29

 Respect to elders

(buzrugoon ka Ahtram)

In the previous chapter we were talking about the respect for parents. These relations are respectable to both husband and wife under all the circumstances.  Allah has given stability to these relations for life for example father-in-law for daughter-in-law or mother-in-law for son-in-law because these relations are Mahram. This provision provided by Allah is to safe guard the family since the law of Allah Subhanutala is perfect.  So there should be no question of not respecting these relations.  Sometimes parents-in-law will continue caring for the daughter-in-law in case of death of or divorce by her husband. 

Once in the presence of his companions the prophet (pbuh) said, “The person who abuses his parents is most unfortunate”.  One of his companions (RA) at that time said, “Is it possible for some one to abuse his parents?”  It could happen this way, the prophet (pbuh) said, “If somebody calls names to some ones father, and  he call names to his father and in return he will call names to his mother and this exchange can go on and on”.  

As I mentioned earlier it is in the nature of human and animals to take revenge, so think before you insult anyone that this is against the teachings of Islam.  So much so that Quran says, “Do not condemn even the idols (ILAH) of others in case they condemn Allah in return”.  By condemning others you do not gain any points of virtue with Allah.  I can not understand the people who say bad things about other's gods and destroy their idols.  In this way those people who demolish other’s worshiping places to build their own mosques.  To strengthen my argument I will give examples from the Islamic history.  First example is of Caliph Omar (RA) who was the conqueror of Jerusalem. When he entered the city after the victory, people thought that he would bring about destruction of the town and were amazed when he did not.  He amazed every one when he respected all the contracts he had made with the people of town and forgave all women, children and men and spared their lives. If you go to the previous history of Jerusalem, it was always destroyed by conquerors. When it came the time to pray, he offered the prayers at the footsteps of a church and the priest wanted them to pray inside the church, but he declined the offer saying that if he set this example people will turn that church in to a mosque.  A similar example exists for the Slah-ud-Din, that when he conquered the Jerusalem he gave orders to respect the sanctity of all places of worship and gave amnesty to all the residents.  However not too long ago before this various non-Muslim conquerors had demolished mosques and synagogues.  He could have taken revenge, but Islam’s way is to forgive, which he did. 

Let us now consider the people who by demolishing statues proudly call themselves the idol destroyers and try to justify their actions by this logic.  Some might say that Slah-ud-Din was a soldier and not an Islamic scholar, but what defense would they have in the case of Omar (RA) who was a Caliph about whom Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) had said that, “If prophet hood were allowed after him (pbuh), Omar (RA) would have been declared a prophet of Allah).  We should take our guidance in the light of above quotations from Quran and our prophet (pbuh).  Not to take revenge is considered good but to forgive is the best and this is the teaching of Islam in our daily life.  However each of us is giving his own interpretation of Islam as he feels fit.  We call ourselves submitters (muslim) to Allah but act according to our own whims and this is causing the problems.  May Allah show us the right path.    

Let us now move on to the responsibilities of parents in Islam.  Quran while asks to respect parent also puts some responsibilities on parents shoulders too.  Islam is such a religion which asks younger to respect elders because they have had more time to pray to Allah, and asks elders to respect younger because they have sinned less because of their age.  If a father is not a good Muslim, his children should still respect him but they do not have to follow him to commit sins. 

At times elders do cross their limits, when after bringing home a bride and after having a rift with his parents ask their son to divorce her otherwise they will cut him out of the inheritance etc.  Islam does not allow such a behavior. Even the mother, being a woman herself goes against her daughter-in-law, and joins in that demand and the matter becomes worse.  She is a woman and should know the pain of other women.

Send questions or comments to M. Rafiq & S. Pervaiz