A Practical Guide to Human Rights in Islam

Haqooq ul Ibad


 Chapter 21

 Mutual relations

In the previous chapters we talked about the role of women, which may seem that again I am giving my advice to the women only.  As a matter of fact one woman asked me, does every responsibility fall on us women only and men have no role?  I must say that this is not the first time women had this complaint.  During prophet’s (pubh) time Hazrat Aisha (RA) and some of her companions did say that all of Qur’an is full of role of men and we seem to be left out.  After that, Allah made it clear that women have the same rights as the men and the only superiority is due to piety.  Allah revealed many verses in this regard.  We cannot debate about this; however the worldly customs have brought in many wrong notions, such as women have lesser intelligence etc.  Enemies of Islam took advantage of the teachings of Islam such as the evidence of a woman has half significance as a man’s so they have half the status as compared to men, or that they should have half of the property in the inheritance.  These are all baseless allegations, which I would explain later on. 

For the time being I must say that I talked more about role of the women than of men because in any society women are the more significant factor then men.  Without women the Islamic society cannot develop and this was the reason that the prophet (pubh) said that, “paradise lies under the feet of mother”.  In another saying, he (pubh) said that, “mother deserves the most respect and better treatment than others” and he (pubh) repeated this three times and the fourth time he (pubh) said that about the father. 


I personally know of two women whose husbands were communists, one of them went along with her husband’s way of thinking and lost her children and herself to this.  However the other women kept her Islamic ways and saved herself and her children from going astray and finally her husband saw the light too.  Allah has given the women such a power of persuasion that at the appropriate time they can persuade the husbands to follow their wishes for jewelry and clothes etc.  In the same way they can also persuade them to lead a pious life with persistence.


Let us now come back to the line of thought that we were carrying.  My emphasis was that in Islamic way of life following a leader is very important. However he should be just and his following should be for the good deeds and not for the wrongdoing.  So if the man of the house is given the role of a leader then he should be bound to be just for his followers.  Allah says that, “cooperate with each other for the good and not for the bad”.  In Islam true superiority is with Allah under whose guidance both husband and wife have agreed to live.  This bond will exist only until you accept Allah’s superiority.  If one of you does not abide by this then the other one is not obligated to follow, because the whole basis of togetherness will end otherwise.  For example if a person leaves a country then that country’s laws do not apply on him, or he becomes rebellious and does not accept the superiority of the leader then he would become liable for punishment and rest of the population would not cooperate with him.  The matter of matrimonial contract between husband and wife is a contract under the laws of Islam so it has all the implications, which become obligatory after accepting Islam with recitation of complete Kalima. First part is la,ilaha illilah and then Mohmmad rasool allah(PUBH).  To believe the whole Kalima is a must. We ourselves have not seen Allah and are told about Him through our prophet (pubh).  We have to look at what prophet (PUBH) says because he (PUBH) was embodiment of Qur’an.  Allah says, “He (prophet PUBH) only tells you what I order”.  Nobody else has this distinction.   Allah says, “His (pubh) actions are my actions”. 


After this explanation let us then see how the prophet’s (PUBH) married life was like.  If you really want to know about this in detail then read Hadith and follow these.  Here too our prophet (PUBH) has a distinction over others in that it was his wife Khadija (RA) who accepted Islam first of all.  This is a big distinction as most of the wives seldom accept the superiority of their husbands.  We know about wives of Noah (PUBH) and Lot (PUBH) and these are not mere stories as it is written in Quar’an. Khadija (RA) only accepted his (PUBH) prophethood as his (pubh) whole married life was in front of her and it was her confidence in him (pubh), which was built over a number of years, that she accepted Islam readily.  Not only did she accept Islam first of all but also consoled him (pubh) by saying, “I have always found you truthful and honest so do not worry, I am with you, Allah will not leave you alone”.  She sacrificed all her wealth for the Prophet (pubh) and Islam. She put herself and her daughters at risk and saw her two daughters getting divorced because of this, but did not lose heart.  She knew that her husband always won her confidence.  Although she had such a difference in their ages and she had seen her previous husband and could compare their natures.  It was not easy to accept Islam against the wishes of her community.  This unique distinction of her was because of the prophet’s (PUBH) own character.


How do you gain such a confidence?  Here we need to pause and think.  Here is a lesson for some of us who pretend to follow the prophet (PUBH) but lag behind in practice.  To understand this we need to contemplate on when he (PUBH) says “Best of all people is the one who is good with his family, and I am the best with my family”. This is the best representation of the husband as the just head of the family. The prophet (pubh) confided in his wife first of all and then he told his best friend Abu Bakr (RA).  He did not think that a woman does not have enough intelligence and is weak to understand such a matter.  He (pubh) proved that wife deserves his best confidence and he (pubh) trusted his wife the most.


Send questions or comments to M. Rafiq & S. Pervaiz