A Practical Guide to Human Rights in Islam

Haqooq ul Ibad


 Chapter 20

Extravagance ( fazool khurch)

In the previous chapter we learnt that we should not fall prey to jealousy and greed that this is not the teaching of Islam.


Islam has allowed competition only for good deeds.  For example in the month of Ramadan if somebody fed one person you can compete with him to feed two people.  Also competition is allowed for donations for a good cause.  You must struggle to become better than others but with modesty.  The biggest draw back in jealousy is that the person loses his peace of mind and there is no end to this kind of rat race.  If one is always looking for ways to downgrade others such as if the other person has seven room house then you must have one with ten rooms or if the other women has so much of jewelry then you must have more than hers etc.


There is no limit to such a competition.  With such lofty desires and struggle for fulfilling them all the members of household become restless and may develop inferiority complex, thus losing their peace of mind.  Conflicts start within the family.  Husband says that he has just returned from one shift and has to go to the second so he needs some sleep and that he is doing all this for their comforts.  He wants the children to be quiet so that he could have some sleep and if the wife has sense she tries to quieting the children.  Children who had been waiting for dad to come home, become disgruntled.  The wife, who had all sorts of plans, has to give these up.  Even when the children go to sleep the father cannot sleep as he is bothered by all the problems he has.  If the wife happens to be sarcastic then she starts an argument by saying that what good is he doing?   His subordinate’s wife was wearing a diamond necklace while she doesn’t even have a gold one.  So the Balkan war starts between them and they both become angry.  Husband becomes restless and still has to go for the second shift in this condition.  When he gets to work in this agitated condition, he would pick quarrels with his colleagues or will be rude to his clients and he may get fired because of this.  However, if you look at unfortunate ones, then you may feel contented and will be thankful to ALLAH for whatever you have.  You will have peace at home and outside.  Allah says, “If you are thankful to Me, I will give you more and if you are thankless then I may take away what you have”.  The crux of the story is that contentment brings thankfulness while jealousy brings about disobedience to Allah. 

Thanklessness to Allah is a form of disobedience.  Contentedness gives you patience, thankfulness and deserving of Allah’s benevolence.  When you have graces of ALLAH and your home is like heaven then you get heaven in hereafter too.  It is possible that when you are working for Allah you may also get benefits in this world.  However, it is not possible the other way if you are working for worldly things alone. May Allah save us from greed and jealousy, as it is a sure way to hell both in this world and hereafter.  So you see the virtues and vices of contentment and jealousy in that order.


In reality there is no end to the rat race.  The world has become more and more materialistic and people have lost their peace of mind increasingly.  There were times when every one was contented with what they had and people went into politics to serve others and spent from their own pockets.  Particularly after the Second World War the greed gained upper hand.  After the independence of India and Pakistan people increasingly lost their values and bribery made its way into the society.  Now the whole value system seems to be changing.

Now a days people come into politics to make money for themselves and to get into bigger mansions. Dishonesty is prevailing in the society and people have lost their peace of mind.  It is becoming hard to find justice and dishonesty is prevailing.  First a big house, than maintenance of a big house, bills of amenities then on to more jewelry then every day change of design of jewelry and then fancy clothes and this vicious cycle never ends.  The big house needs fancy furniture and then a bigger car becomes the need and it does not end here as car models change and the newest model becomes a priority.  This race seems to be never ending.  In this rat race people have less time to see each other or to be with them in the times of mourning or rejoicing.  The essence of all this extravagance is that there is no end to this.  However if you keep your needs in control you will not need to run around like a machine.


Send questions or comments to M. Rafiq & S. Pervaiz