A Practical Guide to Human Rights in Islam

Haqooq ul Ibad


 Chapter 17

 Mutual understanding in couples

In the previous chapter we were discussing about how a newly wed couple should take care of things.

Some of you might wonder why we turned to ethics, character, behavior and customs from talk about Qur’an and Sunnah? and also why are we talking about women only?  The answer to the first is that a human being has to take into account all the available knowledge of human life.  Allah says “I have subjugated to you the whole universe”.  For the community and particularly for the Islamic community all this is needed.  Since the other religions are not necessarily meant to be ways of life.  However Qur’an has instructed us in every way.  We are supposed to utilize every way of learning within the limits of Islamic teachings.  For example we do not have to use the old methods of travel such as horses, camels and elephants, because if we do that we will laughed at, instead we should utilize air travel and other modern means of travel.  Following the custom the bridegroom can ride the horse at his wedding; however for a long travel this is not appropriate.  Traveling in remote areas where air travel or automobiles are not suitable, we can still use the traditional means of travel because in some of these areas this is the only way possible.


What I mean to say is that, things change with time, and Islamic way is not a hindrance for this, rather it directs us to benefit from modern facilities.  For example one of the religions professed that it is sacrilegious to enter ocean, these days the followers of that religion are violating their law by doing this.  Islam has not given us such un-natural directions because it is a natural religion. 


As for as the second question is concerned, I was writing about the men so far but since the focus of my discussion was the mothers so I was talking about both husband and wife.  Later on I will bring the husband’s responsibilities into my discussion. 


Let us now come back to the subject we were discussing and it was about which are the things that the wife has to be careful about?  Here we face another problem.   Sometimes as soon as you arrive at your parent’s home, the in-laws pay you a visit.  Here too you have to be very careful.  They come to visit you only because of their love for you and not anything else.  Give them your full attention lest they feel neglected and they go back in disappointment.  They will talk about this to your husband when they come back to their own home and will behave similarly to your relatives when they visit.  Here the tradition is that, “do unto others as you like to be done to yourself” and if you make this a part of your personality then you would come to realize that you have not only won over your in-laws but also the rest of the world and would develop a respectable place for yourself. 


Now let us further our discussion.  You must have heard that the way to man’s heart is through his stomach.  Here too every one’s liking is individual.  It is not necessarily true that your husband or your in-laws will like whatever you like to cook, so you will need to take their taste in to consideration.  Here you might feel hurt thinking that you are such a good cook but your in-laws still find fault with your cooking.  Here you must not forget that they have developed a taste through their mother or sister etc.  Does not matter how much tasty food you cook, but if they have not developed that taste then they may not like it.  You must try to take their likings into consideration, within the teachings of Allah and his prophet (PUBH).    If this is not kept in mind from the beginning or your elders do not take this into consideration and check this out before marriage.  For example whether the husband is not careful about halal and haram, drinks or is a gambler etc., and does not obey the Islamic laws.  All this must be ascertained before marriage.  Allah says in Qur’an that “pious women are for the pious men”, however by mistake if such a marriage is consummated, then this situation needs to be corrected strategically and you should keep your own piety.  Whenever you find an opportunity you must try to persuade him for the change to the better.  For example if a member of your husband’s family is in difficulty, you can make him realize that prayer can help and prayer is accepted only when one repents and repenting should be for all times and not momentarily.  Take care that if you are pious yourself, do not look down upon others; rather you should treat them with sympathy.  May be that Allah will show them the right direction through you.  However for this need you have to have mellowness rather than taunts and stubbornness because these will cause only defensive reaction and then even a good suggestion will not have a positive effect.  Each one of us is prone to accept rationality.  Everyone has rationality of ALLAH in their subconscious.  As Allah says, “every one is born with own nature and it is only the parents who turn him into Christian or Jew”.


You can seek help of like-minded people in your in-laws since there is always a mixture of good and bad everywhere as we cannot imagine darkness without light.  I already have said this and I reiterate it here that, after Allah and prophet (PUBH), you are asked to obey your husband.  There is no degradation for you in this; instead you are following ALLAH's command in doing this.  In this way you are earning benefits which are both worldly and religious, because what ever you do for the sake of Allah is considered as a prayer, and what ever goes against it is a sin.  Since you have been ordered to obey the leader, so you need to maintain this perspective.



Send questions or comments to M. Rafiq & S. Pervaiz