A Practical Guide to Human Rights in Islam

Haqooq ul Ibad


 Chapter 16

 Best behavior (HUSAN-E-SALOOK)

We were discussing that the peace at home is basic to the protection of Islam and Islamic atmosphere.  A healthy new generation is dependent on this.  The husband and wife are made for each other.  However ALLAH has not made any two persons alike, so each person has own personality which is different from others, so much so that even the lines on hands are different.  This is an example of ALLAH’s creative perfection.  Such individuality can only be created by omnipotent ALLAH who just says "be, and it happens".  He even created humans with out mother and father, and the examples are Adam (PUBH) and Jesus (PUBH) with their own individuality.  So much so that even all the animals, birds and plants have their own identity.  Not everything is applicable to each one, just like no medicine affects every one alike.


Marriage is a bond between two individuals who are not identical.  One may be more shy than the other, may be more stubborn than the other.  One is manly and the other one is feminine.  When both are so different then their reaction to situations will be different too.  Now the question arises as to how to make this work.  It can be done when both man and wife try to understand each other’s psychology.  For this reason Islam has preferred a marriage between the Kafoo (people of same tribe, status and cousins etc.).  This is because when individuals are growing up in similar environment of the families at large then they will develop similar way of thinking.  There is a story that I would like to tell you in this regard.  A   certain king came to like the daughter of a beggar and they got married.  After the marriage the women started to lose her health.  Upon investigation it was found that she stayed hungry.  When enquired further about the reason for this it was found that she was used to begging for her food.  So the royal physicians suggested creating same conditions for her.  Now for a queen it was hard to beg, so it was decided that food will be kept in certain shelves and she would beg from the shelves for her food.  In this way her eating came to become normal and she recovered from her sickness.  Well this is only a story but it tells a lot about the significance of compatibility for marriage.


What I mean to say is that if both husband and wife know each other's limitations then the matter of understanding each other becomes easy, other wise it takes some time to know the likings and disliking of each other. It is no big problem if they are not related to each other but they do need to know each other from the very first day and as they come to know each other gradually, their compatibility will increase with time and their lives will get easier.  Having a third party to intervene will increase the problems rather than decreasing them.  As I mentioned earlier, each person has his or her individual perspective and to resolve this we have to work on the principle of give and take, which cannot come about without mutual understanding.  Since the women are responsible for the home so she has to be more giving.  When she is living with her parents, she has to give to parents and siblings.  When she is living with her in-laws then she has to cater to that family.  I must say one thing here that if she is the first daughter in-law of the family then she faces more difficulties as the new family would not be familiar with you.  They are not yet used to sharing your husband’s love with somebody else.  It takes time to normalize things.  So both of you have to realize the psychology of the family.  With all due respect to others in the family, you have to give priority to your husband because no man wants to share his significance and love with others including his children.  However a strategic way to do this is that by body or oral languages make it sure which things you are doing for your husband and which ones for your in-laws.  Otherwise misunderstandings can create bitterness and mistrusts develop from this.  For this very reason Qur’an has forbidden us from being too inquisitive and speculative.  The prophet (PUBH) took so much care in this that once his wife was with him and a companion of his passed by, so he introduced him to her.  He said, O Prophet of ALLAH Can I dought you?  At this prophet (PUBH) said that he did this introduction so that there was no doubt left.   There is a lesson for us in this that we should try to avoid misunderstandings and the best way for this is to amicably explain things to your near and dear ones.  By doing this you would avoid speculations by others.  Second important thing is that, do things in moderation.  For example since you have recently left your parent’s home, you would like to visit them often, however do not just keep praising their things, such as how good a cook your mother is or how good are your father and brother etc are, all the time.  If you do this, you would be hurting people of your new home unnecessarily, even though you would not mean this but they might take it as such. 


Apart from this some women keep a herd of friends around them all the time.  Going to shopping with some one day, going to some function with them the other day and so on.  Too much socializing also creates bitterness, so do it in moderation.  Particularly at the time when your husband is about to come home from work, you should try to stay home.  The woman’s presence is like the cool shadow of a tree.  So when he comes home from the hard work of the day, he will need this shelter, and if he does not find it at home then you can imagine how he would feel and how mad he would be when you come home from your outing.  If you do have to go somewhere at that time, let him know before hand, then he will not be utterly disappointed and would be mentally prepared for that.  This way his trust in you and your love for him will not be hurt.  Also he will not develop jealousy for your friends.


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