A Practical Guide to Human Rights in Islam

Haqooq ul Ibad


 Chapter 15

 Joint responsibility in Islam


We were talking about our duties as a Muslim nation toward international and regional situations.  We have to maintain some distinction between these though.  We ended our discussion at that we have to maintain our individual and local responsibilities.  Islam does not teach us to pledge our oath of allegiance one day and break it next day.  Islam also does not teach us to leave our hungry uncared for people and donate for other causes.  Muslims are a nation of moderates so we must do everything in moderation.  Emotions and slogans may provide us reason for suicide bombing but that does not resolve any problems.  We need wisdom to resolve these and wisdom has certain requirements, for example let us have a look at the prophet’s (PUBH) life in Mecca where he and his companions were going through tortures but he did not order his companions to fight.  ALLAH directs us that “in such times take strength from Salah and patience”.  We claim that Islam is till the Day of Judgment and it is a fact that Allah has given this guaranty to Qur’an and Islam.  For this reason Qur;an has answers to all questions and that is the quality of a good constitution.  For day to day living we have to make by-laws ourselves, however if we make the law makers to tie down to the by-laws of over a thousand years ago considering these sufficient with the result that we can not resolve even small matters.  So much so that for a century we have not been able to settle the matter of the use of loud speakers as legitimate or not.  Some profess that it is appropriate for Aadhan while others say that it is appropriate for Aadhan and Salah both.  We need to know that sound waves to make our speech audible to others and stronger so that these sound waves could carry the sound further than our own sound will reach.  The quality of sound does not change and it is the sound of the same person, only the loud speaker makes it louder, which reaches others easily.  However we require modern education and if we try to stay away from modern technology, then how will this happen.  Who should make by-laws for today and how should the consensus be developed?  Under these circumstances we have to decide according to our own discretion and you should have access to Qur’an and sunnah, otherwise everyone will be confused and nothing will get resolved.


ALLAH has given us alternates for various situations.  For example Hajj is an international prayer and for this we are ordered to wear Ahram for equality, however there is one day when Hajies go back from Arafat to Mina and than Mecca and change from Ahram to their national dresses and go to Mecca for twaf-e-ziarah in these clothes they made tawaf and saee is also performed in their national dresses.  There is quite a colorful scene between Safa and Marwa which makes it evident that we are one as an umah as well as we have different nationalities too.  Allah wants us to learn from this that Islam is a natural religion, which can face various situations.


Let us now go back to our topic.  In case some one thinks that we are changing the topic, Islam does not teach us to turn away from our problems, but to voice them.  For this very reason “there is no priesthood in Islam” and this is the saying of the prophet (PUBH) whom we follow.  We might close our eyes from this and blame it on our misfortune.  Problems do not wait for any one, and we have to solve them in time otherwise we miss the opportunity and time passes on.  Allah says, “A person only gets what he has struggled for”.  If the elders do not make right decisions then the juniors have to do this. 


Since my focus is on home atmosphere as this is the first unit of society, so let us get back to that.  Once the prophet (PUBH) was sitting with his companions, he asked them if they knew what pleases the Satan most.  They said only ALLAH and His prophet (PUBH) know better.  He said that “Satan backs up his followers who create rift between husband and wife” A lot of us and in particular women have fallen prey to this disease as a little instigation can create a big gap in husband and wife’s relationship.  Witchcraft plays a big part in this and a lot of con men take advantage of this situation.  Why does it all happen?  First of all you start sharing your secrets with others, particularly the women start telling this to their supposedly close friends and they even with little knowledge start giving them wrong solutions to these problems resulting in widening of the gap between husband and wife and at times this becomes the cause of separation.  Do keep in mind that Allah and his prophet (PUBH) both do not like that the husband and wife share their secrets with others.  For this very reason Qur’an says about husband and wife that “you are a dress for each other, thus treat your wife fairly” You notice here that an analogy is given to dress which covers a person.  If either of you is not doing this then you are disrobing the other and in this way are not only breaking the trust of each other but also are  sinner.  In various traditions of our prophet (PUBH), it has been continuously prohibited.  It is the duty of women to protect their sanctity, and the sanctity of home is the protection of its secrets.  If it is talked about to others then there is no guaranty that it will not be talked about in public and this flood will erode you away.   By grace of ALLAH, in our community, there are very few divorces in comparison to other communities, because we take care that the sanctity of home is kept. 


If both husband and wife take care of this then the home becomes a paradise and Islamic community’s new generation stays in safe hands otherwise it goes to waste.  Conflicts at home are poisonous to the children.  It is better to practice this sanctity, and even if you have not done so, it is never too late.  Keeping your differences aside start practicing this.  You and your children will get saved.  Putting aside your ego, you should practice this so that you and Islamic community benefits from this in future. 


Since Islam is a communal religion, it is ordered that if two people are traveling together you should designate one as a leader.  From this you can guess the significance of leadership in Islam; however a leader should be just and pious.  Allah will treat Imam Adil on the Day of Judgment among the prophets and sidiqeen (truth worthy people).  In our homes the man is considered as leader of the house in Qur’an because he is the breadwinner for the family and wife is given the responsibility for the raising children and protecting their sanctity.  If the leader is considered respectable, he is also considered responsible for the ones he is leading.  Thus it is established that both husband and wife need to respect each other since one is the king of the house then the other is queen and without their mutual trust their children can not grow in peace and cooperation.  We will continue this discussion in the next chapter.


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