A Practical Guide to Human Rights in Islam

Haqooq ul Ibad


 Chapter 5

Haqooq Allah( rights of God)

In our previous chapter we discussed having faith in Allah

 is beneficial for us . if we do not believe in Him, It is harmful for us, not to Him  as He is the Lord of every thing.   He doesn’t need to be recognized. He has so many attributes about Him that He himself said, "if Forests of whole world become pen and all oceans become the ink, they can not describe all My attributes".  Dear friends it clearly shows that this religion of Allah and his holy prophet( pbuh )are our own need.

Someone enquired of Hazrat Ali (ra) that, if we don’t follow Allah then what will happen?  He replied, neither you nor me will be safe and law of the jungle will rule and might will be right. By now you must have understood that rules of Allah are for our training, which gradually progresses. It begins with the piety and ends at love of God. That is why Piety is sometimes used in the context of fear of God but usually it is used in the context of love of God. It is the demand of this love that we should avoid all such actions which result in the annoyance of the Almighty. If we are afraid of our utterances in front of our worldly Gods, then how much afraid should we be of the One who listens, observes and knows all our thoughts. Though it is His kindness that on ill-thoughts he does not give punishment until they are acted upon. However on good thoughts, He rewards us.  It is a kept secret between you and your God, even the angles don’t know about it. You will find such rewards of virtue on the Day of Judgment that even you were not aware of. But there will be no sin which you had not committed. It is His great kindness that He doesn’t punish us on our each deed, doesn’t insult us by opening all our secrets, rather stops us from publicizing any sin we have committed.  We should rather ask for forgiveness by returning to the ways of God.

Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) said, "God is far happier when asked for forgiveness".  But to ask forgiveness is not that one should keep on sinning and keep on asking for forgiveness. First give-up that sin completely and then ask for forgiveness from heart with the promise that you will not redo it. God will forgive our rights towards him but in order to demand forgiveness for human rights there are a few conditions. For example; one who has been hurt by you should forgive you, goods you have stolen should be returned etc. so that on the Day of Judgment all your good deeds should not be replaced with his bad deeds. Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) said that on the Day of Judgment most poor will be the person who had wasted all his rewards like this. On the Day of Judgment your currency will be your deeds. All your wealth in gold and silver will be of no use.

In the court of Almighty, all human beings will be equal and answerable for their own deeds. As Allah is the supreme judge. No one will be given any concession and everyone will be judged by the same rule. This is also true that without His forgiveness no body can have paradise as no one is perfect.  This is also up to His mercy. When we offer prayers, our attention is usually somewhere else. We can cherish fame whereas God is pleased only with purity (Ikhlas) and that means, all your deeds should be to please God and only God and no one else.  Neither are your charities such as used substandard torn clothes, stale food, acceptable in the court of God, nor charities from earning of illegal means.  Think for a moment, what are we doing and what reward are we expecting?


Send questions or comments to M. Rafiq & S. Pervaiz